IT IS A PIECE OF NATURE IN A BOTTLE: Fish Head Farms Organic Soil Conditioner makes fruits, herbs and vegetables healthier, taste and smell better and it improves plant health, growth and production. It will make your plants smile and your gardens thrive.
A LIVING PRODUCT: It is OMRI listed for organic use and University tested. It provides a complex Microbial profile that includes thousands of different species of bacteria, fungi and protozoa. This profile is closer to a natural ecosystem than anything you will find on the market.
INCREASE YIELD: Fish Head Farms Organic Soil Conditioner increases plant production by up to 20%. Can be used for organic farming, soil or soilless and hydroponic gardening.
INCREASE FLAVOR: It helps release essential oils and terpenes which contribute to the building of a myriad of flavonoids. Flavonoids play a key role in the development of the most potent aromas and tasteful flavors of a plant and its fruit.
INCREASES NUTRIENT UPTAKE: It contains beneficial microorganisms that help plants maximize nutrient uptake. It does this by transforming nutrients into more useable forms and keeping these nutrients in the soil longer.